Momentum team conducted “Capacity Need Assessment and Prepared a Capacity Development Plan 2020-2030” for Ministry of Climate Change. The capacity need assessment was done w-r-t the mandate of the ministry.
The capacity need assessment exercise included aspects; institutional capacity assessment in terms of structure of the WASH cell of the MoCC, human resource skill and competencies related capacity as well as finance and resources capacity. Based on the capacity need assessment a detailed capacity development plan 2020-2030 was proposed. The aim to the plan was to enable MoCC to deliver asper its mandate so that WASH related SDG goals and targets can be achieved.
A comprehensive institutional capacity assessment was carried out by the experts of Momentum, reviewing in depth the human resource and competencies required for the WASH cell in the Ministry of Climate Change. This was backed by the financial and resources’ capacity assessment. Based on this, Momentum experts developed a proposed capacity development plan 2020-30 for the WASH cell.
1) Dr. Muhammad Saleem : Team Lead
2) Ghulam Shabbir : Project Manger
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