Project Data Sheet (PDS)

One UN Programme

Country: Pakistan
Year: 2017
Client: Minintsry of Education

Momentum’s education working group members developed the following materials in the field of Literacy and Non-Formal Education:

Country: Pakistan
Year: 2017
Client: UNESCO

Based on the Long-term Services Agreement (LTA) with UNICEF Pakistan, covering technical support and services, Momentum Team facilitated UNICEF Pakistan for conducting Joint Sectoral Review of WASH Sector.

Country: Pakistan
Year: 2017
Client: UNICEF

This project proposes a multi-pronged approach to sustainable sanitation services that does not fall into traditional “latrine construction” traps that plague the sector. Children, who are generally not targeted for sanitation and hygiene, become catalysts of change in the household...

Country: Pakistan
Year: 2017
Client: Plan International

Conducted a qualitative research study on “Synthesis of Best Practices & Lesson Learnt for ECISI Programme” a three-year Programme funded by USAID for UNICEF Pakistan. Prepared a qualitative research design including sampling frame, identification of respondents for primary data and...

Country: Pakistan
Year: 2017
Client: UNICEF

Momentum has developed WASH in School (WinS) strategies for Pakistan country and all the provinces and federating units of Pakistan. These strategies have been successfully rolled out after endorsement from all the concerned departments at federal and provincial level. Developed...

Country: Pakistan
Year: 2017
Client: UNICEF

Conducted a qualitative research study on “Synthesis of Best Practices & Lesson Learnt for ECISI Programme” a three-year Programme funded by USAID for UNICEF Pakistan. Prepared a qualitative research design including sampling frame, identification of respondents for primary data and...

Country: Pakistan
Year: 2017
Client: UNICEF

Momentum’s IT team developed and deployed a messaging platform for intimating mothers and care givers about the due dosage of the vaccination for their registered children. The dosage duration was calculated automatically by the system based on the data of...

Country: Pakistan
Year: 2017
Client: WHO

In order to realize the MNCH strategy 2017-2022 of Balochistan province a detailed costing exercise was carried out by the public financial management and financial exerts of Momentum. The costing included itemized cost of the strategy components, estimation of allocated...

Country: Pakistan
Year: 2017
Client: UNICEF